Art Foundry
In the Art Foundry, the production of art castings in bronze, aluminum, brass, nickel silver, iron, and stainless steel is taught. This is done through practical work on negative molds and wax models, by brushing, spinning out and retouching, by embedding the wax models in a fireproof mold as well as annealing, casting, chasing, and patinating. There is also the opportunity to get information about sand casting.
The artistic projects are supervised in cooperation with three foundries in the nearby area.
Zur Zeit stehen für die Kunstgie?erei keine besonderen Termine oder Veranstaltungen an.
Herbert Willems (in Vertretung)
Dozent an einer Kunsthochschule
Studium Bildhauerei nba比分直播nba比分直播 (Meisterschüler Tony Cragg)
2009-2013 Assistenz des Rektors Tony Cragg
Besonderer Schwerpunkt Schmieden und Kaltverformung
Seit 2013 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben in der Einrichtung der Metallbildnerei der nba比分直播nba比分直播
Raum A006
Tel.: 0211/1396-301
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">herbert.willems [at]