

Commissioner for Equality

The central Commissioner for Equality represents the interests of women who are members or affiliates of the Kunstakademie. They work towards fulfilling the Academy's mandate for equality, especially the inclusion of aspects relevant to equality in scientific, administrative, and technical work, development planning, personnel and structural measures, and performance-related resource allocation. With this objective, they participate in committee and commission meetings in an advisory capacity and provides advice on all matters of equality.

Commissioner for Students with Disabilities/Chronic Illness

The Commissioner works to ensure that the special needs of students with disabilities or chronic illnesses are taken into account and, in particular, that the legal provisions favoring them are observed. They participate particularly in the planning and organization of teaching and study conditions and in the compensation for disadvantages concerning access to and admission to studies, the studies themselves, and examinations. They handle complaints from those affected.

Representative for Severely Disabled Employees

The representative for severely disabled employees is exercised by the joint representative for severely disabled employees in the division of the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia (MKW). They promote the integration of severely disabled people into the operation, represent their interests, and provide advice and assistance. The representative ensures accessibility at the workplace, help with compensation for disadvantages, and participation in prevention and rehabilitation measures.

Nazan Mennewisch

Hauptschwerbehindertenvertretung der Kunst-und Musikhochschulen und sonstigen Einrichtungen des MKW des Landes NRW
c/o Hochschule für Musik und Tanz K?ln
Unter Krahnenb?umen 87
50668 K?ln
Tel.: 0221/28380-142
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">mennewisch.hsv [​at​]

Karla Burghardt (1. Stellvertreterin)

Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
V?lklinger Str. 49
40221 nba比分直播
Tel.: 0211/896-4261
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">Karla.Burghardt [​at​]

Harald Haseleu (2. Stellvertreter)

Kunsthochschule für Medien K?ln
Peter-Welter-Platz 2                                                                                            
50676 K?ln
Tel.: 0221/20189-320
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">harald.haseleu [​at​]

Commissioner for Data Protection

The Data Protection Commissioner supports the university in ensuring data protection. Data protection is the protection of the right to informational self-determination flowing from the basic rights. This right is specified concerning universities in the Data Protection Act of North Rhine-Westphalia – DSG NRW. For federal authorities and non-public bodies, the Federal Data Protection Act applies.

The Data Protection Commissioner advises the university on the design and selection of procedures for processing personal data and monitors compliance with the relevant provisions when introducing new procedures or changing existing ones. They must be involved early in the development of internal regulations and measures for processing personal data and must monitor compliance with the data protection regulations, familiarize those involved in processing personal data with the provisions of this law and other data protection regulations, and carry out the prior control (cf. § 32a para. 1 DSG NRW).

University staff can contact the Commissioner directly at any time on matters of data protection. The Commissioner is obliged to maintain confidentiality about the identity of the person concerned and about circumstances that allow conclusions to be drawn about this person, unless she has been released from this obligation by the person concerned (cf. § 32a para. 4 DSG NRW).

Antje Günther

Klemensborn 39
D-45239 Essen
Tel.: 0201/65051303
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">antje.guenther [​at​]

Antje Feil

Tel.: 0211/1396-297
=(c=c.charCodeAt(0)+13)?c:c-26);});return false">antje.feil [​at​]